Year: 1916
Runtime: 14 mins
Description: I. 121ft comprised of subtitles shown consecutively without film. II. Film, including only a few of the subtitles listed above, but with visual material corresponding to some of the remainder. Medium and medium long shot views of submarine K.2 submerging - speed 4-8 knots. Medium shot off port beam as C.23 surfaces and off starboard quarter as H.33 surfaces. Periscope feather, proceeding away from camera. Aerial views of wake left by periscope on calm sea (low sun effect, M Class destroyer at frame left), and of surfaced K Class submarines. Medium shot of H.33 running at periscope depth, and K.2 running hull down. Periscope, with prominent feather, in circular frame, as if seen through a telescope - merchantman in extreme background. Medium shot as H.33 submerges. Medium long shot of UB.III Class U-boat underway. K.2 surfacing. H Class submarine in circular frame effect. Medium shot off port bow as H.33 submerges to periscope depth. Medium close-up as U.162 passes (cf IWM 1155). Periscope feather in choppy sea. Medium shots of torpedo track. Periscope feather in circular frame effect. Aerial long shot as aircraft closes on wake left by periscope (low sun effect). End medium shot silhouette off port beam of HMS Gibraltar, depot ship for the ASW (Anti-Submarine Warfare) school, Portland.
Anti-submarine warfare recognition film made for the Royal Navy, ca 1916.
Keywords: EFG1914 / World War I / Royal Navy, K2 / Royal Navy, C23 / Royal Navy, H33 / Royal Navy, GIBRALTAR (HMS), depot ship / German Imperial Navy, U162 / ships, British naval - submarine: K2 / ships, British naval - submarine: C23 / ships, British naval - submarine: H33 / ships, British naval - harbour: Gibraltar / ships, German naval - submarine: U162 & [surrendered] / ships, German naval - submarine: UBIII Class & [surrendered] / weapons, British naval - torpedo: (track only) / equipment, British naval - surveillance: periscope / training, British naval - combat: anti-submarine / 12/3(26) / Instruction
Provider: Imperial War Museums
Rights: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Production company: Engholm, F W
Colour: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
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